The essential need of Fire Retardant Paint

The essential need of Fire Retardant Paint

It has always been well advised to equip the buildings with fire preventative solutions such as fire extinguishers, alarms etc as it can avoid flames from spreading at an alarming rate. Hence, a passive fire protection system is given vital importance when planning a building layout. In case of an unfortunate event of a fire, one tends to immediately distance themselves from the flame and look for a quick escape route. This is where fire-retardant paint comes into the picture as it helps slow down the spread of the fire, paving a safer way to come out free. It acts as supplementary security within the building or an industrial yard apart from the usual fire prevention systems.

NAVAIR has introduced Viper, a fire-retardant paint coupled with an effective formulation that rapidly works on delaying the spread of fire. With characteristics such as reducing flammability and combustion of buildings, Viper ensures that the belongings sustain minimal damage. Upon contact with fire-retardant paint, the heat emitted from the flame causes the paint to release a fire dampening gas which in turn prevents the fire from increasing further. It can hence, efficiently hold off the spread until the emergency services can arrive. This paint deems essential especially when it comes to residential buildings since it allows people inside the building more time in hand to find a safe escape route.

There are different types of fire-retardant paints available in a variety of applications.  Depending on the type, the paint can be applied on metal, wood, lacquered surfaces, etc, making it suitable for both indoor and outdoor surfaces. While brush painting works well for wooden furniture and walls, fabrics such as tapestries and flags may benefit more from a spray-on application. Its varied usage permits the paint applicator to be thus used for interior decor, effectively keeping the home interiors safe yet stylish. Wooden kitchen counters and areas highly exposed to fire elements, owing to their function, are the most common spaces in a home where fire retardant paint is applied.

Fire safety is essential for every building and should not be overlooked while protecting one’s house. NAVAIR values the client’s utmost safety with the highest integrity & commitment to protecting human lives. The team ensures the finest quality of fire-retardant paint, assuring it passes the rigorous tests at the CBRI test house.

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