Fire Safety Measures To Be Taken For Employees

Fire Safety Measures To Be Taken For Employees

Fire safety is a burning issue in the 21st century in every workplace, whether it is a corporate office, an industrial site, or a manufacturing hub. So, it is something that we should take seriously in any work environment, not only to validate the legal rules and regulations but also for the welfare of the employees. If you are an employer or a manager in a workplace, fireproofing your office is of high priority, but what do you need to consider?

Firstly, in any office, check for electrical equipment – not just heavy equipment, but also computers, printers, lamps, etc, for any damage, as electrical equipment is the one that causes fire easily. Minimize the risk of equipment by regularly checking them for any repairs and assure proper use by the employees.  You should remove faulty equipment as soon as possible or at least stay away from them. Secondly, be aware of the alert systems. A robust smoke alarm should be placed to ward off employees from the fire. These alarms should be optimally audible. Today, you can avail them to deliver messages to the employees on their mobile phones or computer screens…

Another important measure would be planning the escape routes. We should plan the escape routes properly and make sure that the employees get familiarized with them. A fire exit should always be a clear path with appropriate signboards in place with fire-rated wooden doors at exits. The exit routes must be installed with a fire curtain system as a barrier between the fire and the escape routes. Fire extinguishers are the best weapons if the fire spreads rapidly in a place. And so, they should be made readily available for the employees for steady use in emergencies. Sometimes, there may be loopholes or lapses in the existing fire exits. It is better to formulate a foolproof and handy evacuation plan that ensures the safety of employees without any hurt or burn. More than all these measures, the employees must be trained to use the equipment like hose pipes, fire extinguishers, etc. They should be provided with more accessible forms of instruction manuals and booklets for fire safety. Planning mock fire drills can do better in this case.

Does your office have a dedicated fire warden responsible for fire safety? There would be numerous consequences if the fire safety duties are ignored. And so the dedicated person should take the role seriously. He should also be trained in fire assessment techniques and evacuation plans. Next, you should always have a dedicated smoking area with wooden fire doors at the exits. Strictly restrict smoking in other areas, especially in the areas where there are chances of fire. Put up No SMOKING sign boards and install fire-resistant receptacles for smokers to safely dispose of used cigarettes. Also, promote good housekeeping in the office so that they dispose of the bins regularly, and throw away flammable materials such as cardboard, paper, etc.

Recent statistics say that 76% of the primary fires in the workplace are caused accidentally by the misuse of equipment and accessories carelessly handled, or due to flammable and smoking materials. Finally, the education of the employees on the importance of fire safety while handling and working with the equipment also matters. They should be guided with effective knowledge about their responsibilities in fire safety, even though your office has proper safety measures, fire extinguishers, or evacuation plans. Remember to call the nearest fire brigade in case of emergency or Dial 101 and get rescued!

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