Design and engineering play a key role in any manufacturing organization, especially at NAVAIR as we are involved in patient safety and passive fire protection such as fire door, flush door, fire retardant paint, homeland security,etc posing new challenges every day.
As our society progresses towards new technological goals, the number of people dying due to complications arising from a fire, as a direct result of a fire, or a botched fire system is steadily declining. However, one death from a preventable fire is too many. It is impossible to keep an eye on your child 24×7. Sometimes, accidents happen, if you are well prepared with fire retardant paint and with fire retardant curtains, the chances of harm coming to your child as well as property decreases by a great percentage.
At NAVAR, we strive to continuously innovate and develop products that enhance the user experience and add value to the business. These can be residential doors, commercial doors or industrial doors when we consider our solutions dedicated to hospitality.